Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Big Six

I've decided to use the Bix 6 framework as I like how the Big 6 framework is set out in steps and it's easy to understand. I also like that the focus is on working smarter rather than faster.

This framework could be used in the classroom for research or any other task that requires finding out information. Students can spend hours 'researching' on the internet, however the big 6 helps students work smater rather than faster and focuses onthe process of researching as well as the content.

After some discussion in the Tutorial on Thursday the following features were noted about the Big 6 framework :

  • Can be used by individuals or groups
  • structured
  • focused
  • easy to understand
  • intrinsic and intuative
  • can be transfered into life skills
  • futures approach
  • decision making
  • probelm solving

3rd August 2010

After researching The Big Six framework some more I found that Mike Eisendberg and Bob Berkowits highly recommend this model for problem based learning. They belive that ICT's maximise student learning and have identified ITC's that can be used in each of the six stages of the framework.

There is now a big push to use technology in meaningful ways to organise, communicate, research and problem solve rather than be taught as an isolated subject such as computer class.

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