Friday, August 13, 2010

Digital Video

I have seen movie maker used in a year one classroom, it was scaffolded very well and as a result was very successful. Teachers organised for an incubator to be placed in the classroom with eggs that were about to hatch. Students took photos each day of the eggs then of the chicks once they were hatched. Students then uploaded their photos to movie maker. Once the photos were up loaded students recorded their voices explaining what was happening in each of the photos and explaining the development stages of the Chic's.

I have prepared a quick example.

I found using movie maker was a bit difficult at first, however like most things once I moved along it got easier to use. I can see many uses for this tool in the classroom, however I will myself have to use this tool more to get more confident with it before teaching students how to use it.

Movie maker is great for showing how things change over time, such as the life cycle of a chicken. I also think the content has to be something the students can connect with. For example if students were asked to find pictures of the Internet at different stages of the life cycle it wouldn't mean as much to the students. However the fact that the students had the chicken in the classroom and had their pictures taken with the chickens made it real.

Movie maker, like many of the other tool we are learning has a focus on visual literacy as students are required to understand how images, colour, line etc work together to create meaning.

As mentioned in the reading by Kearney & Shuck, 2006 digital video supports higher order thinking, organisation and team work. However for this to occur much thought and organisation on the learning managers part needs to go into the scaffolding.


  1. Justine,

    I definatley agree with you that sufficient scaffolding needs to take place in order for students to make learning gains when using movie maker.
    I believe that this digital tool is a very effective tool for classroom use as it is quite simple to use therefor more of a focus is on the content rather than learning how to use the tool itself.
    I enjoyed your video and found that your example of how you have seen movie maker being used in the classroom context to be interesting and informative.

  2. Hello Justine,
    I agree movie maker is a difficult tool to use at first, however this tool is an effective and engaging way to hook students into a positive learning experience. I believe that students in an older grade can actively participate in using movie maker for students in lower primary may find it difficult. However, if movie maker is used in the classroom the learning manager can use this tool to create instructions, understanding learning concepts and I like your example of the development stages of the Chic's
    Good job and great ideas!
