Saturday, August 14, 2010

You Tube

Is the above clip from you tube being used as a time filler, for engagement or interest, or is it for learning? Depending on the context this clip could be used for the all above.

However I believe in a primary classroom where the learning manager is about to introduce a new topic on pollution and climate change, these clips would be used for learning. Many of us have seen both of these clips before. I know when I first watched this clip it stirred up a lot of emotion, not just for me but others in the lecture. This was then followed by an in depth discussion about the climate change and pollution.

Youtube clips if chosen appropriately can be used as hooks, to draw students in, giving them something to think about, a discussion starter and many many more possibilities.


  1. Hi Justine,

    Very Influential video you have there.

    I use to use You Tube to watch funny videos and catch up on sports but I’ve found from this course that there are many instructional videos that are so helpful when it comes to almost anything, especially technology. When I first started I was buried in technologies I didn’t understand and couldn’t work out how to use. After a few searches I found many videos that explained technologies in detail and my E-Learning journey took off.

    There is also ‘Teacher Tube’ and obviously ‘The Learning Place’ which is even more helpful when looking for specific videos for lessons.

    Do you know of any other video sites that could be useful?

    Kind regards,
    From Paul S.

  2. Hi Justine
    I had not viewed this video yet and also founnd it very influential so thank you for sharing it. Such videos used in the classroom are able to hook in learners by evoking emotions and feelings. Students immedietly become engaged in the learning experience where they otherwise might not be if such video clips were not used.
