Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Powerpoint and Prezi

When I think of powerpoint I think boring, overused, time wasting, especially when used in the classroom. However when I looked throught the practical activities of creating an interactive powerpoint and creating animated movies it gave me other idea of how powerpoint could be utilised in the classroom.

From a Learning Managers perspective:
  • Organised - The LM can hyperlink to anything needed rather than clicking through files and searching on the internet.
  • Easy to use
  • Caters for visual and auditory learners
  • Can be used to scaffold lessons including times for showing examples or including activites
  • If used correctly can be interesting and interactive
  • Can be saved and changed or used again.

From a students perspective:

  • Teaches students to plan their work first
  • Makes students look at the bigger picture of their presentation first
  • There is more focus on the information first rather than the pictures and text style
  • Interesting and interactive

Powerpoint is a great tool for students to use to present information however I also think it a great tool to teach students how to manipulate elements. Once students have learnt how to construct a powerpoint using images, colour and text in the earlier years, I think they could move on to use Prezi.

Looking at the Prezi titled 'Why should we Move Beyond Slides?' by Adam Somlai-Fischer I found the prezi a definate option to powerpoint. Its interactive and appealing and something that I have not seen used in the classroom. Im sure it is used however not as much as powerpoint, and because of this I think teachers and students would embrace the use of something new.

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